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"BROVARY CHALLENGE" - 2018 результати Конкурсу



результатів конкурсу "BROVARY CHALLENGE" - 2018 

ПІП учасника Клас Навчальний заклад бали примітка
1 Бобко Юлія Станіславівна 10-Б Великодимерське НВО 65 переможець
2 Єрмоленко Софія Назарівна 10 БСШ |-||| Ст. #7 63 переможець
3 Набока Анастасія Богданівна 10 Броварська гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника 62  
4 Бойко Владислава Юріївна 10-В БСШ І-ІІІ ст. 7 60  
5 Філюк Дмитро Віталійович 10 Калинівська загальноосвітня школа 59  
6 Павловська Ганна Олегівна 9 Броварська ЗОШ №2 56  
7 Галагуз Владислав Вікторович 9-Б Броварська гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника 54  
8 Гончарук Павло Андрійович 10б Великодимерський НВО 52  
9 Безгубенко Вікторія Русланівна 10-А Калинівська ЗОШ 48  
10 Кожушко Діана Олександрівна 10 Великодимерське НВО 43  

результатів І туру конкурсу "BROVARY CHALLENGE" - 2018

ПІП учасника Клас Навчальний заклад КОД бали
1 Бобко Юлія Станіславівна 10-Б Великодимерське НВО Р11 40
2 Бойко Владислава Юріївна 10-В БСШ І-ІІІ ст. 7 Б19 38
3 Набока Анастасія Богданівна 10 Броварська гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника Б20 38
4 Безгубенко Вікторія Русланівна 10-А Калинівська ЗОШ Р17 35
5 Єрмоленко Софія Назарівна 10 БСШ |-||| Ст. #7 Б4 34
6 Павловська Ганна Олегівна 9 Броварська ЗОШ №2 Б22 33
7 Галагуз Владислав Вікторович 9-Б Броварська гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника Б7 32
8 Гончарук Павло Андрійович 10б Великодимерський НВО Р8 32
9 Кожушко Діана Олександрівна 10 Великодимерське НВО Р1 30
10 Філюк Дмитро Віталійович 10 Калинівська загальноосвітня школа Р6 30
11 Коновалюк Олександра Олександрівна 10 Броварська гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника Б24 27
12 Юхта Катерина Валентинівна 10 Великодимерське НВО Р2 26
13 Савінський Максим Юрійович 9 БЗОШ 1-3ст.#9 Б9 25
14 Демченко Анна Валентинівна 10 Великодимерське НВК Р3 24
15 Терлюк Лілія Євгеніївна 10 Великодимерське НВО Р10 24
16 Фролова Ніка Євненієвна 10 Погребська ЗОШ I-III ступенів Р19 24
17 Хітрова Анастасія Олексіївна 9 Калинівська ЗОШ I-III ступенів Р15 24
18 Грицан Оксана Олесіївна 9-в Броварська гімназія імені  Олійника Б23 23
19 Пашковська Анна Дмитрівна 9-А Броварська гімназія ім.С.І.Олійника Б17 23
20 Козлова Катерина Вікторівна 9 ТОВ "Приватна ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст.""Фортуна" Б16 22
21 Шита Марина Олександрівна 10 Великодимерське НВО Р13 22
22 Кущ Юлія Олександрівна 10 Броварська ЗОШ 1-3 ступенів #10 Б11 21
23 Мягка Анастасія Ігорівна 9 Броварська гімназія, імені С.І.Олійника Б2 21
24 Гусєва Тетяна Валеріївна 9-Б Гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника Б8 20
25 Снопкова Ксенія Леонідівна 9-а Броварська ЗОШ I-III ступенів N10 Б15 20
26 Покрасьон Діана Сергіївна 9 Броварська гімназія ім.Олійника Б26 19
27 Рижа Владислава Вадимівна 9 Приватна ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів "Фортуна" Б6 18
28 Чакун Дмитро Сергійович 9 Калинівська ЗОШ 1—3 ступенів Р5 18
29 Яременко Вікторія Сергіївна 10 Зош, № 6 Б21 18
30 Яременко Ярина Артурівна 9 Броварська гімназія ім.С.І.Олійника Б12 16
31 Карпенко Давид Вікторович 9 Приватна ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів "Фортуна" Б5 14
32 Матвієнко Денис Кенанович 10 Броварська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів №6 Б1 14
33 Кравченко Каріна Романівна 9 Погребах ЗОШ Р14 13
34 Павленко Богдан Павлович 9 Приватна ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. "Фортуна" Б13 13
35 Ясько Надія Максимівна 9 Погребської ЗОШ 1-3 ст. Р18 13
36 Висоцька Вікторія Олександрівна 9 Броварська спеціалізована школа 7 Б3 12
37 Желізняк Єлизавета ігорівна 10 Броварська ЗОШ №6 Б25 12
38 Родіна Марина Євгеніївна 9-Б БСШ №7 Б14 12
39 Савчук Діана Ігорівна 9-А Калитянська ЗОШ І-ІІІ ступенів Р7 12
40 Теплинська Аріна Олександрівна 9-А Броварська ЗОШ |-||| ступенів №6 Б18 11
41 Корнійко Світлана Володимирівна 10 Требухівській ЗОШ Р12 10
42 Жиглій Богдана Олексіївна 9 Великодимерський НВО Р9 9
43 Шкробов Дмитро Максимович 9 ЗОШ 10 Б10 9
44 Грищенко Єлизавета Владиславівна 9 Великодимерський НВО Р16 7
45 Солодкий Дмитро Володимирович 10 Требухівська ЗОШ Р4 7


результатів ІІ туру конкурсу "BROVARY CHALLENGE" - 2018

ПІП учасника Клас Навчальний заклад КОД бали
1 Бобко Юлія Станіславівна 10-Б Великодимерське НВО Р11 25
2 Бойко Владислава Юріївна 10-В БСШ І-ІІІ ст. 7 Б19 22 
3 Набока Анастасія Богданівна 10 Броварська гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника Б20 24 
4 Безгубенко Вікторія Русланівна 10-А Калинівська ЗОШ Р17 13 
5 Єрмоленко Софія Назарівна 10 БСШ |-||| Ст. #7 Б4 29 
6 Павловська Ганна Олегівна 9 Броварська ЗОШ №2 Б22 23 
7 Галагуз Владислав Вікторович 9-Б Броварська гімназія ім. С. І. Олійника Б7 22 
8 Гончарук Павло Андрійович 10б Великодимерський НВО Р8 23 
9 Кожушко Діана Олександрівна 10 Великодимерське НВО Р1 13 
10 Філюк Дмитро Віталійович 10 Калинівська загальноосвітня школа Р6 29 


 Activity 1                                                                                                (13 points)

Reading Comprehension

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.



 Albert Einstein (1)...................... said that if at first an idea is not absurd "then there is no hope for it". Indeed, some of the maddest notions of their time are now  (2)...................... to modern living. But for every ingenious invention that changes the world there are hundreds of equally  (3)...................... ones that quietly end.


History is littered with these heroically silly ideas, from a plan to put a roof over New York City, to giving London its own Eiffel Tower and a scheme for a house that (4)...................... itself.James Moore, co-author of Pigeon Guided Missiles And 49 Other Ideas That Never Took Off, (5)..................... in 2011, says: "Behind all these ideas is one person that keeps going and going. If you (6).................. at successful entrepreneurs, they do the same thing. These ideas have (7)..................... on the scrapheap of history, yet at the time they seemed like they could really happen."


(8)...................... one of history’s most famous inventors, for example. While the light bulb, the telegraph and the X-ray saw Thomas Edison hailed as a genius inventor, not all his ideas were winners. After buying a concrete factory he became (9)......................that furniture made from the large grey stuff was the (10)...................... to affordable living. Despite his faith that his idea was inspired, few concrete sofas and pianos were sold.


American housewife Frances Gabe hated housework so much that in the 1960s she created a home that was (11)....................... a giant washing machine. At the touch of a button, small ceiling-mounted  (12)...................... in every room in her house in Newberg, Oregon, would run through an entire cleaning and drying cycle. Even the bookshelves dusted themselves, but as all fixtures, fittings and fabrics had to be waterproofed, only one such house was ever (13)...................... .



A. earlier

B. before

C. recently

D. once


A. basic

B. essential

C. significant

D. main


A. imaginary

B. fictional

C. imaginative

D. invented


A. scrubs

B. washes

C. cleans

D. clears


A. revealed

B. published

C. released

D. issued


A. look

B. view

C. consider

D. think


A. ended up

B. finished off

C. resulted in

D. led to


A. Watch

B. Think

C. Look

D. Take


A. persuaded

B. influenced

C. convinced

D. assured


A. reply

B. suggestion

C. response

D. answer


A. in particular

B. in effect

C. in all

D. in theory


A. devices

B. tools

C. instruments

D. vehicles


A. done

B. composed

C. made

D. fixed


Activity 2                                                                                                  (13 points)


Use of English

Read the text below and find the word which best fits each space.




  The Artemis Project,(1)..................... new and bold project, is a private venture that will “establish a permanent, self-supporting manned lunar base,” (2)..................... translates into a community on the moon (3)..................... people to live in.

The Artemis team is making a realistic approach (4)...................... a human fantasy: they are marketing the project of a lunar base (5)........................ purely entertainment. They plan to pay for the initial stages of the project through commercialism, that is sales of goods related to it. 

The project expects to pay for the initial lunar base primarily            (6)....................... exploiting the fun factor of the grand adventure of space flight. Planners expect to make the experience so much fun  (7)........................ net revenues from the entertainment value of the project, through its first flight, will(8)........................ more than $5 billion. These revenue estimates (9).........................  based on comparisons to similar mass-marketing ventures  (10)....................... tie movies and television shows in with associated merchandise and services.

Although the United States government does not encourage this project, there are those at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), (11)....................... support the programme. So, what will a two-week holiday to the moon cost? Apparently, the price you would expect to pay for a luxury-class European capital tour, or probably less  (12).................... $10,000. For that, you would play in zero gravity, sightsee for the few days it takes to get to the moon, of course, moon walk and if you’re in the mood, perhaps (13)........................ a bus tour.


Activity 3                                                                                                  (12 points)


Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.

1.      Carol can’t see very well. She .................... (lose) her glasses.


2.      I’ll always remember ....................(visit) Venice. It was so romantic.


3.      Sue is very happy. She ....................(pass) her exams.


4.      Don’t forget .................... (lock) the door.


5.      Mike is very rich. He ....................(win) the lottery.


6.      Stop ....................(talk) at once!


7.      Simon is late for work. He ....................(miss) the bus.


8.      If you .................... (win) the competition, you get a prize.


9.      If she .................... (not/ wear) her coat, she will catch a cold.


10.   If you boil water, it ....................  (become) steam.


11.   My hands are very dirty. I ................................. (repair) the car.


12.   They ………………………. (play) tennis 3 times this week.


Activity 4                                                                                                (12 points)



Write a short composition giving your opinions on the following question:

Is it a good idea to keep animals in zoos?


Activity 1                                                                                            (13 points)                                 

Reading Comprehension

Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.



Young Composers is an online resource for anyone (1) ................... in music composition. Amateur musicians can upload music to their network, where their review team helps young people to(2) ................... their music abilities. Their composer forum is an active (3) ................... of professionals, students, and amateurs who can (4) ................... questions about the life and career of composing, show teens new techniques and music, or (5) ................... chat in the 'shoutbox'.

YC's main purpose is to (6) ................... people to post their music, receive feedback on it and improve as composers. One way to (7) ................... from the knowledge on the forum is to (8) ................... a contributing member: review others' works and, of course, post your own pieces for feedback and analysis.

The best way to (9) ................... advantage of the forum and to establish yourself as a member is to participate. This (10)................. more than just posting your pieces: by reviewing the works of others – anything from just a quick (11)................... based on your thoughts and feelings to a full in-depth analysis – other members will get to know you and they will see that you are making an (12) ................... to give back to their community. It's a great website to learn and help others to (13) ................... at the same time.



A. keen

B. interested

C. fond

D. attracted


A. develop

B. grow

C. bring up

D. rise


A. public

B. company

C. community

D. society


A. react

B. answer

C. reply

D. respond


A. simply

B. totally

C. purely

D. hardly


A. let

B. give

C. allow

D. admit


A. favour

B. benefit

C. help

D. use


A. become

B. enter

C. participate

D. join


A. hold

B. keep

C. make

D. take


A. means

B. signifies

C. implies

D. expresses


A. note

B. comment

C. saying

D. mention


A. impression

B. effort

C. effect

D. application


A. correct

B. impress

C. increase

D. improve


Activity 2                                                                                                  (13 points)

Use of English


Read the text below and find the word which best fits each space.



             More ships have sunk around (1)......................... coasts of Britain than of (2)...................... other country in the world. The best estimate of the number of ships lost in our coastal waters (3)....................... man first took to water is over a quarter of a million. Many of (4)....................... shipwrecks came about by collision, by storm, or by bad navigation. But a great number of merchant ships - 7265 of them British - were added to this total (5)........................ the torpedoes of German U-boats in the First and Second World Wars.

            The largenumber of wrecks is of course why wreck diving is the (6)....................... popular activity of Britain's scuba divers.Divers may be lucky and find the ship's bell  (7)............................ her name on it. There may be the builder's brass nameplate poking out of the wreckage. However, it is  (8)...........................likely that the divers will have to surface  (9)............................ knowing her name. Finds (10)....................... as a crested plate, a cup, a bottle, or something from her cargo - may identify her. The discovery of an "unknown" wreck will lead divers on a hunt through old records in libraries before the whole story of her sinking (11)......................... revealed. Any wreck diver will tell you that this kind of dry-land research can be almost as exciting (12).........................  the diving itself. Another way of becoming involved (13)........................ wreck investigation is through the Nautical Archaeology Society.


Activity 3                                                                                                  (12 points)



Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.


1.         Mark isn’t here. He ....................(take) the dog for a walk.

2.         If you go to bed late, you .................... (be) tired tomorrow.

3.         Janet can’t walk. She ....................(break) her leg.

4.         He’ll never forget....................(meet) Mel Gibson.

5.         Alice .................... (split) her coffee. Her carpet is ruined.

6.         Tony’s kitchen is full of smoke. He ....................(burn) his dinner.

7.         If you leave metal out in the rain, it .................... (get) rusty.

8.         Do you fancy ....................(join) us?

9.         If you mix red and yellow paint, you  .................... (make) orange paint.

10.     He stopped .................... (have) a snack, then went back to work.

11.     My hair is wet. I ..................................(train) the whole morning.

12.     He ...................... (play) football 4 times this week.


Activity 4                                                                                               (12 points)


 Write a short composition giving your opinions on the following question:

 Is it a good idea to keep animals in zoos?




Activity 1                                                                                                (13 points)


Reading Comprehension

 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space

1) D. once

2) B. essential

3) C. imaginative

4) C. cleans

5) B. published

6) A. look

7) A. ended up

8) D. Take

9) C. convinced

10) D. answer

11) B. in effect

12) A. devices

13) C. made


Activity 2                                                                                                  (13 points)


Use of English

 Read the text below and find the word which best fits each space.

Your Next Big Holiday… How About A Trip To The Moon?


1) a

2) which

3) for

4) to

5) as

6) by

7) that

8) be

9) are

10) which 

11) who

12) than

13) take/have


Activity 3                                                                                                  (12 points)


Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.

  1. Carol can’t see very well. She has lost her glasses.
  2. I’ll always remember visiting Venice. It was so romantic
  3. Sue is very happy. She has passed her exams.
  4. Don’t forget to lock the door.
  5. Mike is very rich. He has won the lottery.
  6. Stop talking at once!
  7. Simon is late for work. He has missed the bus.
  8. If you win the competition, you get a prize.
  9. If she doesn’t wear her coat, she will catch a cold.
  10. If you boil water, it becomes steam.
  11. My hands are very dirty. I have been repairing the car.
  12.  They have played tennis 3 times this week.

 Activity 4                                                                                                (12 points)



Write a short composition giving your opinions on the following question:

s it a good idea to keep animals in zoos?



 Activity 1                                                                    (13 points)                                                                                                            Reading Comprehension


 Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.




1) B. interested

2) A. develop

3) C. community

4) B. answer

5) A. simply 

6) C. allow 

7) B. benefit

8) A. become 

9) D. take

10) A. means 

11) A. note 

12) B. effort

13) D. improve


Activity 2                                                                                                  (13 points)

 Use of English

Read the text below and find the word which best fits each space.


1) the

2) any

3) since 

4)  these/the

5) by

6) most

7) with 

8) more

9) without

10) such

11) is

12) as

13) in


Activity 3                                                                                                  (12 points)


Use a form of the words in brackets in each gap to complete the sentences.

  1. Mark isn’t here. He has taken the dog for a walk.
  2. If you go to bed late, you will be tired tomorrow.
  3. Janet can’t walk. She has broken her leg.
  4. He’ll never forget meeting Mel Gibson.
  5. Alice has split her coffee. Her carpet is ruined.
  6. Tony’s kitchen is full of smoke. He has burnt his dinner.
  7. If you leave metal out in the rain, it gets rusty.
  8. Do you fancy joining us?
  9. If you mix red and yellow paint, you makeorange paint.
  10. He stopped to have a snack, then went back to work.
  11. My hair is wet. I have been training the whole morning.
  12. He has played football 4 times this week.

Activity 4                                                                                               (12 points) 


  Write a short composition giving your opinions on the following question:

Is it a good idea to keep animals in zoos?

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